sabato 17 aprile 2010

Norvegia:No alla caccia alle balene!

Questo mese è iniziata la caccia alle balene in Norvegia.

1286 è il numero previsto di animali da abbattere.

Con questa quota la Norvegia superera' persino il Giappone, come quantita' di animali per singola nazione .

Invia una lettera di protesta al link

Speak out against slaughter: Whales need you

1,286 whales. This is the number of whales that Norway plans to hunt during its whaling seson, which started this month. With this quota Norway will overtake Japan as the single biggest whaling nation.

Whales are highly intelligent and sociable mammals. Scientific evidence and eye-witness accounts both confirm that there is no humane way to kill whales at sea. Norway is one of three countries defying the international ban on commercial whaling.

Don’t stand by. Take action. Click here to write to the Norwegian Prime Minister.

da: World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) <>

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